College Arrest 101 Blog | Back to Campus

The 2014-2015 college academic year has just started for most colleges and universities. Here in Miami, students have been back to campus for about a week now and classes have just begun. This is a very busy time for Freshman and returning students alike. New and old friends are meeting up and enjoying themselves all around campus and town. As I warn every fall, students should be extra careful in these first few weeks of the semester when the police are out in full force patrolling for typical college student illegal activity like drugs use and underage drinking. Many campus [...]

By |2018-03-28T12:37:31+00:00August 27th, 2014|Legal Discussion|0 Comments

College Arrest 101 Blog | College Graduates and Background Searches for Employment

Graduation may finally be here for some college students.  Hopefully, post graduation plans include many employment opportunities.  It is rare these days to obtain a job without going through a criminal background check. These words will immediately invoke fear in many, many college students who may have partied too hard or made a silly, youthful mistake that resulted in an arrest during the college years. Almost all of my college student clients want to know what exactly is on their criminal background as result of an arrest and/or criminal case. When I handle a criminal case I am able to [...]

By |2018-03-28T12:27:13+00:00May 28th, 2014|Legal Discussion|0 Comments

College Arrest 101 Blog | Nationwide Statistics on Alcohol and Drugs on College Campuses

As the 2013-2014 academic college year comes to a close, the statistics for 2012 are in and have been comprehensively analyzed by website in its report, "Drugs on Campus, Exploring the Drug Cultures of Hundreds of College Campuses through their Crime Data."   This website is a very interesting read and does a tremendous job analyzing the statistics of college arrests in many areas, not only alcohol and drugs.

College Arrest 101 Blog |Know Your Legal Rights, Justin Bieber … Please!

The media firestorm this week has been blazing with news of every detail of Justin Bieber's DUI arrest in Miami (my own backyard) this week. But, what I haven't heard yet is why Justin Bieber and many other celebrities along with most of my clients don't know their legal rights when they come into contact with law enforcement or when they have been arrested. Learn them, know them and use them because this could make or break your criminal case. Basically, the rules are simple. Here we go. When a police officer asks you any questions you have the absolute [...]

By |2014-08-04T23:58:16+00:00January 25th, 2014|Legal Discussion, News Article Commentary|Comments Off on College Arrest 101 Blog |Know Your Legal Rights, Justin Bieber … Please!

College Arrest 101 Blog | College Students, Drug Dealing and University Discipline

Recently, a huge drug bust went down at the University of Alabama.  It made national news and about 61 college students were arrested in this sting operation.  You can read about it here. Drug operations happen every day and college students get arrested for drug crimes all the time.  But, there is a big difference between an arrest for drug possession and an arrest for drug dealing (i.e. selling, distributing, etc.) especially for a college student.  Drug possession would be when the student is caught smoking a joint or with a small amount of marijuana or cocaine or pills for [...]

By |2018-03-28T20:11:04+00:00April 2nd, 2013|Legal Discussion, News Article Commentary|0 Comments

College Arrest 101 Blog | University of Miami ULEAD Diversion Program

For all the University of Miami students and parents out there a fairly new program is available which you should be aware.  Its called ULEAD, which stands for University Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion Program.  This is a joint venture of sorts between the University of Miami and the Miami-Dade County State Attorney's Office which will allow students charged with certain crimes (right now just marijuana and paraphernalia possession and false ID cases) to completely avoid ever being arrested or formally charged in court with a crime.  The benefits of this program are enumerable because the student's name will never be [...]

By |2014-08-05T00:08:50+00:00March 12th, 2013|Legal Discussion, Uncategorized|0 Comments

College Arrest 101 Blog | Legalized Marijuana Still Illegal on College Campuses

As of January 1st, two new States will be legalizing marijuana smoking.  I'm sure many college students across Colorado and Washington are very happy about these newly enacted laws.  However, just because marijuana possession may be "allowed" by a State (either legalized or decriminalized), colleges and universities are apparently still banning marijuana on campus. A recent article here discusses a number of Colorado colleges addressing the marijuana legalization issue on campus.  In addition, student athletes governed by the NCAA can not use marijuana even if it is legal in their home state. See a recent article here addressing marijuana in [...]

By |2014-08-05T00:29:04+00:00January 7th, 2013|Legal Discussion, News Article Commentary|0 Comments

College Arrest 101 Blog | College Students and Drug Arrest

We posted here that statistics show that the majority of college student arrests relate to alcohol and drugs. Probably by far the most arrests for drugs by college students is for marijuana or pot possession. This is not surprising information to students or their parents.  However, most student and parents have no idea what is involved in a drug arrest and criminal court case. First, depending on the charge the student who is caught possessing a drug may or may not be physically arrested and brought to jail which would require bonding out of jail, etc.  In some states for [...]

By |2014-08-05T01:42:51+00:00July 13th, 2012|Legal Discussion|0 Comments

College Arrest 101 Blog | College Arrest Statistics

College students can be arrested for anything, but probably the most likely crimes and arrests for college students are alcohol and drug related violations.  Every year across the county thousands of students move into university dorms and residents halls.  These residential colleges see the most of substance related arrests.  For example, at the University of Miami (statistics here) and Florida International University (statistics here) these alcohol and drug arrests are by far the most prevalent.  However, at a commuter college (where students don't reside on campus) such as Miami Dade College (statistics here) there are relatively few arrests for alcohol [...]

By |2014-08-05T01:47:31+00:00June 25th, 2012|Legal Discussion|0 Comments

College Arrest Blog 101 | Notification of Parents in Student Discipline Cases

Dear Parent, Your child has been charged by this University with violating the disciplinary code . . . Depending on the nature of the disciplinary violation and the age of the college student, the school may legally notify the parents of a pending disciplinary violation. The disclosure of these disciplinary records is governed by FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act). This Federal Statute states that the parents of children in grades K-12 have a right to notification and full inspection and disclosure of these educational records.  However, once a child turns 18 and begins college this right transfers to [...]

By |2014-08-05T01:56:56+00:00June 10th, 2012|Legal Discussion|0 Comments
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