I love Key West. They really know how to deal with a problem down there. They have something called “Spring Break Court.” Key West, like most big Spring Break destinations, suffers from many arrests of college students for relatively minor crimes like underage drinking, open container violations, fake IDs, etc. The problem with the arrest of a college student on Spring Break vacation is that they are not locals and must return to their home, usually hundreds of miles away, at the end of the week before their criminal case can come to court to be resolved.
Key West has solved this problem by permitting violators to address their criminal case immediately by doing a day of community service in Key West and paying a fine. Best of all, this appears to be a type of diversion program which results in nothing on the college student’s record. What a great idea! Read all about Spring Break Court here.
Perhaps Spring Break Court will spread around the country to other destinations like Panama City, South Padre Island, Daytona Beach.
Enjoy Spring Breakers and if you get arrested contact a criminal defense attorney immediately.