College Arrest 101 Blog2024-02-12T13:50:50+00:00

College Arrest 101 Blog | Right to an Attorney at a University Disciplinary Hearing

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College students who are arrested may be prosecuted in BOTH the criminal court and a college disciplinary hearing. A criminal case could result in jail but the university on campus proceeding could result in suspension or expulsion from school.  Unfortunately, the 6th Amendment Constitution to the US Constitution does not protect the Right to Counsel when ONLY a school suspension or expulsion is at stake. Meaning, because the student is [...]

College Arrest 101 Blog | Off Campus Incidents Could Result in University Discipline

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"The Dean of Students, or his/her designee, has the authority and responsibility for the administration of the disciplinary system and the establishment of procedures, which apply to all students alleged to be in violation of this Code of Conduct, whether an incident occurs on campus or elsewhere." University of Miami 2011-2012 Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook page 31. Almost every university disciplinary code I have ever read includes a provision permitting the school to [...]

College Arrest 101 Blog

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Welcome to College Arrest 101 Blog.  This blog is dedicated to providing information and assistance to College and University Students who were arrested and facing criminal charges and/or who are charged and involved in a University Disciplinary Proceeding. College Students who have been arrested are in a unique situation.  I am a criminal defense attorney practicing in Miami, Florida and have represented college students in criminal court and counseled them [...]

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