College students in Miami, Florida may be eligible to take advantage of a fairly new Driving Under the Influence (DUI) program called Back on Track (BOT). It is available only in the Miami-Dade County court system for first time DUI offenders and there are a number of criteria for eligibility and program requirements.

The Back on Track program has been in existence for over and year and hundreds of people have already taken advantage of its benefits.  These benefits are particularly helpful to college students who have been arrested for DUI.  First, if a college student is eligible for this DUI diversion program in Miami, they will ultimately keep the DUI charge off their criminal record and instead receive a reduced charge of “reckless driving”.  Second, once the college student completes the program they are eligible to have their DUI arrest sealed from the public record.  I have discussed here in great length the benefits of sealing and expunging criminal records for a college student.

Unfortunately, not every college student facing a DUI will be eligible for this program.  In addition, I always recommend any college student who has been arrested for anything should hire an attorney to advise them and evaluate their specific case.

photo by: NDDOT Photos